Handmade harvest

The “Brucatura” (handmade harvest) consists in manually picking the olives directly from the branches. Exclusively with a hand harvest it is possible to avoid the damage of the olives and at the same time place particular attention on the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

  • Storage

    Storage, a phase that should not be
    underestimated; in order to avoid the fermentation and maceration process, the olives must be pressed within 24/48 hours from the harvest.

  • Olives crashing

    The “Frangitura” (olives crashing) is the phase during which the olives are crushed to obtain a coarse paste containing peel, pulp and pits.

  • Kneading

    The “Gramolatura” (kneading phase) is the operation during which the olive paste is kept in slow stirring with the aim of breaking the emulsion between oil and water and
    facilitating its separation in the next phase.

Extraction and separation of the extravirgin olive oil

The olive oil must be obtained from a cold pressing. This is a mechanical extraction procedure that involves a processing that does not exceed the temperature of 27 ° C in order to better preserve the organoleptic qualities and nutritional properties of the oil.
Finally, the Estraction takes place by means of centrifugation, which allows to separate the three components present in the olive paste, oil, vegetation water and solid parts and waste, the so-called “sansa”.

Taste it!